Saturday, January 9, 2010

Cyclic Blissings

May you feel the support of Earth welling up and pushing on your bones.
Providing structure and stability - spiral crystalline mineral sculptures - earth-within-us.
May you Yield fully into Her support - that She might Push up on you
Force from the center of our Mother - meeting your surrender and trust
with the gift of infinite equanimity and support.

May this spread out in a plane all around you
- ready to offer support in any direction you may flow.
Stepping into each new moment and cycle.
Support providing the basis for mobility and actualization.
As well as a resting place in the Here and Now.

May you Reach out into the world through your Heart
Pulling in and integrating into your Self only what is nourishing.

May cycles and rhythms sing to you:
Yield into Push
Reach into Pull
Closing into Opening

Structured Patterns
Fluid Pulsations
Surrender and Inspiration

Space caressing our cell(ve)s

Thank you for touching my life.
In this Rebirth of Light - blessed Initiations.