Saturday, January 17, 2009

there is so much language around falling...
falling in love
falling for
having a falling out
getting dumped
...just fell into it
falling apart
falling is said to be the only unlearned fear

our reaction to falling has several stages -
later in development the opening reaction gets overridden and we go straight to the startle response (flexion/adduction) but it is still very present in our nervous systems.

in falling we open to be held -
and then we close -
to protect the head in case of impact, and if there is a 'caring presence' - to embrace
the embrace is where we feel met and the opening into falling finds completion

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Lying, Sitting, Standing, Walking
- the Four Dignities
a chinese proverb

Can you feel yourself thinking?
How would it feel
to permit more restfulness in your mind?

Does anything new come to consciousness,
if thought comes more to quiet?

[in this]

Are you fixing your attention on difficulties
and attempting to correct them?

How would it be to simply stay uncritical
- and open -
for whatever changes might happen by themselves?

all found in 'Sensory Awareness' by Charles Brooks